Category: Schools

Category: Schools

Category : Schools , Students

If we are going to be able to improve the world, our best hope are fresh minds. Students! Fernando Reimers in his book Empowering Students to Improve the World in Sixty Lessons shows us how.

Per, “this book offers three tools to assist student, teachers and school leaders in educating global citizens. The first is a protocol to design and adapt global citizenship curriculum. The second is a protocol to design a school wide strategy for global education. The third is an actual curriculum prototype, a sixty lesson global citizenship curriculum, developed following the process presented in the book.”

Category: Schools

by Arjun Walia

MACLEANS-MEDITATION-05.23.14-TORONTO, ON: Grade 3 students at the Dewson Street Junior Public School attend a meditation class called "Area 33." The class is run by Phys-Ed teacher Mary-Ann Kowal in an effort to promote relaxation and self reflection in a world where children are often over-managed and being told what to do on a constant basis. Photograph by Cole Garside

One of the main issues with the education system is its lack of relevancy and real-world practicality. Children are rarely taught the kinds of skills which will most benefit them in their adult lives, and accordingly feel lost after they emerge from the education system, paper diploma in hand. It would be great to see schools begin to implement other subjects into the curriculum beyond those most commonly found in academia — subjects which help the child deal with and develop their inner selves rather than smother them with pharmaceuticals.  Children have become a massive source of profit for the pharmaceutical industry, and we need to start addressing this issue at the root, treating the causes of children’s distress and not the effects. Below are three subjects which should be included in every curriculum.