Tag: UN

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Category : Organizations

It is unfortunate that the United Nations, founded in the aftermath of World War II, is not helping to improve the world as much as it has the potential to. After 75 years in operation it needs a shake up and some reforms.

With ongoing wars, pandemics and climate change, the need to reform and strengthen the United Nations is necessary.

Members of seventeen leading global think tanks reflect on what reform or initiative is the most important for the United Nations as it looks toward its next seventy-five years. Read more…

Tag: UN

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Category : General , Planning

by Michael Green

Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at the UN in September 2015, they agreed to a new set of Global Goals for the development of the world to 2030. Social progress expert Michael Green invites us to imagine how these goals and their vision for a better world can be achieved.  Watch the video below.